Prenatal Chiropractic

Pregnant African American woman in white dress and hat

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is our specialty! Research shows that prenatal chiropractic care promotes a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery for mother and baby.

We are committed to providing the very best care to our expectant mamas! With extensive training in prenatal care, we help women reduce or avoid common pregnancy-related complaints like low back pain, neck aches, and fatigue. Your Vitality doctor is certified in the Webster Technique, a technique utilized by trained prenatal chiropractors. Webster Technique is widely recognized and recommended by OBs, Midwives, and Birth Professionals as a superior method supporting and encouraging a healthy pregnancy. Webster Technique is used to align a woman’s pelvis, balance surrounding musculature, and release tension found within ligaments surrounding the uterus.

Pregnant woman in black dress and hat.

Consistent chiropractic care during pregnancy can aid in:

  • Creating a stronger connection between mom and baby

  • Shorter labor times

  • Increased room for baby’s growth, development, and movement

  • Improved energy levels

  • Increased comfort in pregnancy

  • Fewer interventions during birth

  • Improved sleep

With consistent chiropractic care, balance and alignment of the spine and pelvis can be achieved leading to improved birth outcomes. Chiropractic adjustments also remove nervous system interference and dysfunction. The nervous system controls every cell, organ, and tissue in the body. Having a spinal-neural system that is clear and connected creates an optimal environment to support a healthy pregnancy.

Whether you’re a new or experienced mother, Vitality Chiropractic is committed to supporting and empowering you through your pregnancy and beyond!