Pediatric Chiropractic

Dr Brandi and young girl with stuffed animal.

In a child’s first few years of life an abundance of neurological and spinal development occur. 65% of neurological development occurs in a child’s first year of life. This period of growth and development is vital in establishing a foundation of health and vitality for years to come. By age 2 an infant’s spine, which protects the nervous system, doubles in size! The nervous system controls every cell, organ, and tissue in the body. In other words, the health of the nervous system is responsible for your child’s immune, digestive, and respiratory systems! The spine is essential to how your baby heals, functions, and essentially how healthy they are.

From the start, birth trauma can cause stress on the spine and nervous system, setting the stage for complications like colic, reflux, ear infections, constipation, and torticollis. As your baby develops and hits milestones it’s common to experience bumps, bruises, and falls. Chiropractic care throughout life’s stages helps to support development, optimize health, and increase their ability to adapt.

Dr Brandi treating a young woman on table.

We have advanced training on gentle, specific chiropractic techniques for infants and children of all ages so they can adapt to life’s stressors and develop optimally. Your Vitality doctor has extensive training from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) which offers postgraduate chiropractic education pertaining to the care of children and pregnant women. Individuals working toward certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP) have expanded knowledge and abilities in adjusting techniques, evaluation, and assessment of different stages of development: pregnancy, birth, infancy, and throughout childhood. 

Chiropractic care is a very safe and gentle approach in achieving wellness. Allow your child the best start possible and have their spine checked today!